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Unlock essential tips and tricks to elevate your digital banking experience with Purdue Federal! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, these insights will help you make the most of our digital services.
Digital Banking Tips and Tricks
1. Click on the Share/Loan from the Account Summary screen and click the Show Account Details button.
2. Click Edit under the Share/Loan Account Name.
3.Enter new name for Share/Loan and click Apply.
Tip: It is BEST to wait until the first week of the month after the system has cycled loans at month end. If you already made a payment before your due date of the 25th, the system acknowledges that you have met your Minimum payment requirement and will NOT show the option in Digital Banking for Minimum Payment Due.
1. Login to Digital Banking naviagte to the menu items and follow either path: Payments > Pay a Loan OR Transfers > Make a Transfer (both take you to the same page)
2. Select your Source Account and which loan you want to pay, then you can select Statement Balance OR Minimum Payment Due.
3. After your payment has been submitted by the 25th, under Scheduled Transfers it will show the amount for Stmt Bal or Min Due as the system does not know the actual amount until month end cycle.
Please Note: None Due will be replaced with Min Due if you have not already paid more than Minimum Payment.

Digital Banking Guide
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