Far away? A shared branch is close by.

A big bank might have a branch on every corner, but they also often have additional fees and costs. You can get the best of both worlds with shared branches.

We offer 260 shared branches in Indiana and more than 5,600 shared branches nationwide.10

What is a shared branch?

A shared branch is a branch at another credit union that is part of the CO-OP shared branch network. They allow credit union members from other branches to visit and access their accounts just like they would at a local Purdue Federal branch. 

At a shared branch, you can:

  • Deposit money.
  • Withdraw funds.
  • Transfer money.
  • Check account balances.
  • Make loan payments.* 

Find a shared branch. 

You can use our interactive map to find a shared branch or surcharge-free ATM.

Not an option? Locate a branch and get driving directions by phone at 800.919.CUSC (2872). Just look for the Credit Union Service Center logo.

10 Only Purdue Federal Visa debit card transactions are surcharge-free at CO-OP ATMs. Both Purdue Federal Visa debit and credit card transactions are surcharge-free at Alliance One ATMs. Claim based on CO-OP Solutions Network website.